The Nomadic Artist

As many of you already know, I am a professional basketball player. I have been fortunate enough to be able to play all year round. Five months during the summer in the WNBA and 7 months overseas, previously in Russia and now currently in France. I love being able to play a sport that I love and calling it my "job" because it often doesn't feel like a job at all. Don't get me wrong it takes a lot of work, effort, and sacrifice, but at the end of the day I wouldn't want to be doing anything else right now.

When you can combine your love of art and basketball= winning!

When you can combine your love of art and basketball= winning!

Those of you who know me or follow my social media posts also know that I love art. Long before basketball ever came into the picture, I loved to draw, paint, sketch and create. I never lost that love, but I did have to put it on pause for a time while I pursued basketball. During my free time, especially overseas after practices I would spend hours painting and drawing. As I became more serious about creating art and sharing it with the world I started to create a little art studio/ desk area wherever I lived. My career in basketball means that I'm moving to a new country and city twice a year, so my studio is constantly changing and moving from location to location. Although I don't have the "luxury" of staying in one spot, this constant movement has still allowed me to pursue two dreams at the same time.

As a result of constantly relocating, I always joke that I'm a Nomadic Artist. So, this is a little inside peak into my Nomadic studio set up, how I make the best of what I have, and how I continue to be creative no matter where I am. 

The Wall of Inspiration 

My wall is nowhere near complete, what I love about it is that I'm constantly adding to it!

My wall is nowhere near complete, what I love about it is that I'm constantly adding to it!

I love scriptures and quotes, so when I hear something I like, I add it to the wall.

I love scriptures and quotes, so when I hear something I like, I add it to the wall.

I am big on words of affirmation, positivity and goals. Whenever I'm working I like to be constantly reminded of what I am working towards, who I am aspiring to be, what truths I believe about myself (and if I don't believe them, repeating them until I do). I usually use cue cards to write down any words, scriptures, and quotes that I find inspiring or motivational. As I hear or see something that inspires me, I add it to the wall. I also tape my business cards on the wall as a reminder of what I've created and the progress I've made. 

What is currently missing from my wall is pieces of my artwork. Since my business is based out of Canada (with the help of my amazing sister Kesia), all of my pieces are there. So when orders come in, it's easier to ship them out from Canada, since that's my "home" base where I always return to.


My to-do list for the week of January 15...

My to-do list for the week of January 15...

Completed tasks, a step closer to my goals everyday.

Completed tasks, a step closer to my goals everyday.

I'm a visual person so I like to see things which I guess is why I love to draw so much. I am also very goal oriented in all aspects of my life, including my art. There are projects I want to create and ideas I want to turn into reality. Something I quickly realized was that my ideas and dreams will just stay ideas and dreams unless I created an action plan and actually do the work to turn them into realities. As a result, every week I write out at least 5 things I want to accomplish that will help me turn my dreams into a reality. Whether it's drawing a picture each week for a specific project, writing a blog, taping a video, doing research, teaching myself how to do something etc. If I do a small part each week, before I know it one project will be completed, then the next, etc. After each week I move my completed to do list under a piece of tape that says: "Accomplished: one step closer to your goals". It's so motivating to see that you're actually making progress and getting closer to turning your idea into a reality.


Where I store my Prisma markers, some copic markers, my pens and pencils.

Where I store my Prisma markers, some copic markers, my pens and pencils.

I find it's easier to travel with my markers by keeping them in their original packaging.

I find it's easier to travel with my markers by keeping them in their original packaging.

Storage for my paints, until I'm ready to use them.

Storage for my paints, until I'm ready to use them.

Desks are great for storing supplies, while still keeping them readily within reach.

Desks are great for storing supplies, while still keeping them readily within reach.

I would love to have the fancy set up where all my markers, paints, pencils, brushes, canvases and so on are neatly organized and on display. The problem with that is a) it's hard for me to travel with ALL my art supplies. (I would need one suitcase alone just for all my supplies). And, b) it's not always easy to travel with everything. Things spill, get damaged and even lost some times during travel. So I opted to take a select few of my supplies every time I leave for overseas. I find it easier to travel with mostly my markers instead of my paints, and sketch pads instead of canvases. Also, it would not be easy to travel with all the storage containers for my art supplies (for the same reasons listed above). So for the time being, I try to make use with what is provided to me and even opt to keep a lot of my materials in their original packaging for easier transport. One day I plan to have a home base studio, but for now I am making the best of my Nomadic lifestyle and it's working for me.


Where I like to draw and do a lot of my recordings for time lapse videos and other projects.

Where I like to draw and do a lot of my recordings for time lapse videos and other projects.

I have been fortunate enough to have been provided a desk in every apartment I've had overseas thus far, so I always turn it into my work station. I will use whatever chair is available and add a pillow to make it more comfortable. Using a desk is more ideal verses using a table because I can leave all my supplies where they are. In the past I would work at the table but it becomes inconvenient having to pack it away when I needed to eat or have guests over. I also like to add a lamp to my desk for extra lighting, especially when I'm recording to make the images clearer.

Make it your own

My little and evolving space (for my time in France) where I am able to just create, be inspired and do what I love!

My little and evolving space (for my time in France) where I am able to just create, be inspired and do what I love!

At the end of the day I make the most out of what I have and make it a space and environment that is comfortable, true to me, inspiring and motivational. After all, art is about being creative, and expressing yourself so I want a space that is a reflection of me and allows me to do just that!

Are you a Nomadic Artist? Or is there anything specific that you like to put up on your wall? Let me know in the comment section below.

Thanks for stopping by, and God bless!
